Thursday, June 11, 2009

Getting Back to Normal...Sorta

Tony has been home for three days now, and life is beginning to get back to some sort of normalcy. I was able to go to carving club tonight thanks to our friend, Sarina, who was happy to "babysit" (as Tony put it) Tony for a couple of hours while I went to carve. We also had a wonderful time visiting Sarina and her husband, David for a while when I went to their house to pick Tony up.

We have had a wonderful few days, with so many friends coming through for us -- from all the people who have donated through the site our friend Tony Mast set up, to Zia coming the day Tony got home from the hospital to sit with Tony while I went to do some errands, to Alysa baking a birthday cake for Tony and she, Sarina, Catherine and Pi visiting and bringing it to our house and visiting with us for a good while. We have had many offers for help from many friends. We had a friend offer to hop on a plane and stay with us (which would have meant she would have missed the vacation with her family to celebrate her mother and father's milestone anniversary), to those who have offered to let us stay in their home a couple of months, to those who have offered to help us finish the sewing we need to do in final preparations for our home faire, to people offering to bring me food while I was in the ER with Tony, to those who have dropped off food and sent money so we could purchase fresh fruits and vegetables (Tony's sister, Jude). I am almost afraid to list these things for fear I missed sharing something someone has done for us -- if I did, I plead mercy on the grounds that I've been a little preoccupied.

It is times like this that you understand what kind of an impact you have made on the world around you. I'm so proud of my wife for the impact she has made on so many people throughout her life.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that she's doing so well physically, and I hope that things continue to look up for you guys. *hugs*
